About our ESG Commitment

At Silverdale, we believe: we owe our success to our environment which has borne and nurtured us. Hence, we contribute part of our income and knowledge towards betterment of our environment and society.

At Silverdale, we believe perfection is not a goal, it is a journey. Excellence is a way of life. Hence, we promote excellence in all walks of life: be it risk management of funds managed by us or promoting excellence in academics.

Silverdale Centre of Excellence

We live, uphold, and encourage excellence, and have sponsored:

(1) In collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU), for SMU’s Master of Wealth Management Program:

  • SMU-Silverdale Award for Excellence in Fixed Income – 2018
  • SMU-Silverdale Award for Excellence in Fixed Income – 2019
  • SMU-Silverdale Award for Excellence in Fixed Income – 2020

(2) In collaboration with Nanyang Polytechnic School of Business Management:

  1. For top performing students from the Diploma in Fund Management and Administration:
    • Silverdale Fund Management Gold Medal Award – 1st Position in Final Year
    • Silverdale Fund Management Silver Medal Award – 2nd Position in Final Year
    • Silverdale Fund Management Bronze Medal Award – 3rd Position in Final Year
    • Silverdale Fund Management – Book Prizes to Top students in Year 1 and Year 2
  2. For students of Banking & Finance Diploma course:
    • Nanyang Polytechnic–Silverdale Capital Scholarship for Excellence in Wealth Management: tuition fees for two academic years (2018) and (2019). This Award is being matched one-for-one by Nanyang Polytechnic.

(3) Partnering Education with Singapore Polytechnic SP Business School:

  • Donation to the School of Business Needy Fund.

Silverdale for Society

We also make financial contribution to several grass-root institutions and local charitable organizations that support marginalized segments of our society:

  • AIDHA: Supporting foreign domestic workers
  • Fei Yue Community: Supporting old age community
  • Singapore Indian Development Association: Supporting different communities
  • Make a Wish Foundation: Supporting children who are ill
  • Yellow Ribbon Project: Supporting prisoners with rehabilitation
  • Singapore Community Chest: Supporting old age, youth, family causes
  • Singapore MINDS: Supporting people with psychological causes
  • Sathya Sai Social Service: For managing old age homes, homes of elderly sick
  • Sri Sathya Sai Society: Providing food to migrant workers

Knowledge Sharing

Team Silverdale regularly gives guest lectures and shares industry insights with various educational institutions and community groups, inter alia:

  • Nanyang Polytechnic
  • Singapore Polytechnic
  • Singapore Management University
  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • People’s Association

Thought Leadership

Our CIO’s views and expertise have been widely sought by various professional bodies, institutions, governmental committees, expert committees, et al.

  • As Member of UNCTAD Expert Committee on SMEs: As Member of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Board (UNCTAD) Expert Committee on SMEs, presented paper on “Improving Competitiveness of SMEs: The Role of eFinance”.
  • Presented paper on e-finance at UNITED NATIONS: Key recommendations adopted and recommended to all members countries of the United Nations. Also adopted by World Bank in its advisory to developing nations.
  • As Member of National Advisory Committee on SMEs: Submitted recommendations on “Competitiveness of India’s SME sector after removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers” to the Government of India, for inland policy formulation and for the Doha Summit.
  • As Advisor to Federation of Indian Small, Medium & Micro Enterprises (FISME): Laid down an innovative low-cost national IT strategy and assisted in getting funding under infoDev Program of World Bank.

Singapore Stewardship Principles (“SSP”)

We are a proud supporter of the Singapore Stewardship Principles. These Stewardship Principles aim, by articulating the core behavior and actions associated with investor stewardship, to enable investors to be active and responsible shareholders. They provide a view on the activities and functions that stewards should carry out, and how these should relate to the boards and management of investee companies. These principles guided our incorporation of ESG and we commit to the spirit of the principles articulated by the SSP

Visit Singapore Stewardship Principles

Silverdale Annual Lecture on Fixed Income at SMU

At Silverdale, we strongly subscribe to the spirit of nurturing. Over our years in the industry and speaking with numerous young talent, one common theme we noticed across (under)graduates is that they find the education system lacking in two ways. Namely, lack of industry insights and sorely lacking in fixed income education. The Silverdale Annual Lecture on Fixed Income endeavors to cover these gaps by sharing anecdotal experiences, giving them practical advice on how to break into the finance industry and equipping them with all they need to know on the fundamentals of fixed income. This masterclass gives them a flavour of the fund management industry, the different career paths available, and most importantly, gives them a head start in their career. Some of the topics covered in the lecture includes:

  • Fixed Income Market Overview
  • Fixed Income as an Asset Class
  • Credit Analysis
  • Fixed Income Strategies
  • Fund Management
  • Career Choices in Fund Management